Call for Entries
In an age reflected through disposable digital images, the drive to create something permanent is founded through publication and presentation. Some focus on the larger body of work, while many others have turned to the written form, presented in varied ways, to coins with the photographic image.
As more photographers come to find reprieve from the need to ensure feeds are maintained and curated within the printed medium, Serif & Silver seeks to elevate these stories in a collaborative short-run project.
For this call, Serif & Silver is seeking bodies of work of all types shot on film. If selected, you will be required to write an approximately 3,000 word essay related to the images and overarching theme behind them. A total of 8 issues may be published from these submissions.
For more information, visit the Serif & Silver portion of this website, and read the previous introductory essays by clicking here.
Please complete the form below
What should my images be of?
Serif & Silver offers no restrictions on the type of images included. Previous issues have contained landscape, portrait, stil-life, topographic, and street photographs.
How many images should I submit?
Please select no more than 10 photos to represent your series. These should succinctly tell the story of your larger body of work, like the back cover synopsis of a book.
What will I be expected to deliver?
You will need to provide 50 photographs, a minimum 3,000 word essay that ties your body of work into a broader subject, a title, and lastly subtitle.
Note: you will also be required to sign a release for the publication of your work.
What will I get in return?
Your work may be published in an upcoming issue of Serif & Silver. With a total of 8 additional issues planned, plus a yet-to-be disclosed project, there will be more than one project selected. You will also receive 5 copies of your print run to distribute in any way you choose (the remainder will be sold). Monetary compensation will also be included that is dependent on the size of your print run.
This sounds like a lot of work, will there be help?
Yes. If selected based on your submission, it is not a guarantee of publication. You will work with Nate Matos and other photographers to craft your body of work and final publication.
Is there a fee to submit?
No. It is absolutely free to submit your body of work.
When will I find out if I made it?
This call for entires closes on November 5th.